
Watch Video

Zing4Success 17.32 minutes video  titled “Vision & Mission to Strategies and Actions” provides an overview of the overall importance of ensuring alignment in your organization’s strategies.  We are excited about working with you to ensure that your strategies reflect your mission and vision and can be successfully implemented. Please watch the video and send us a note on the contact page with your feedback. 


Review services & Sign up for updates

Some of the services Zing4Success offers  are listed below.  To receive updates on new services and training modules complete the sign up form and click SUBMIT=====>>

We  will be happy to send you new information. We are always interested in having your business aim and achieve success.

We  appreciate and welcome your business

business planning facilitation

If you are a new or established business let us work with you to develop a schedule and ensure that you have your business and strategic plans developed to meet requirements. We can facilitate the efforts of having your team develop these plans. We will work with you remotely or on site  to ensure that your plan are created.   We want to ensure that required elements such as the mission, vision, strategy, target market, operations and financial performance metrics are incorporated in your plan. We realize the importance of planning and strategic implementation.

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On-line training & webinars

Have you come to the conclusion that you or your team requires additional business training? Consider having remote training. You don’t have to wait until you can bring someone to your facilities to train. You can have the training on-line. We will even customize our module to address the specific issues in your  business.  Businesses that take advantage of on-line training are realizing savings in travel expenses. If  your business requires trained personnel to perform the critical functions in your organization, we are ready to train your personnel through an on-line venue. We currently have listed financial training that includes:

  • How to read financial statements
  • The importance of understanding break even analysis
  • Basic finance for business owners
  • The importance of measuring business performance
  • Understanding the essential elements of a business plan

Market Analysis and Plan

If you  want to increase the number of customers that will buy your products and services, you may be interested in building a marketing strategy, perform a survey and evaluate how you could best meet customers need. Send us your contact information and we will set up an appointment to discuss.

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Project management & Oversight

We can help to keep your project on track. If you have a project that you want to ensure that it stays on track in terms of scope, schedule and cost, talk to us. Sometimes the control of the project is being challenged and no one in your organization has the time or necessary expertise to get the project under control. If you contact us we can set up a conference call to determine if we can help you. We will let you know after we have discussed  and assess the issue if we can help. There is a great possibility that we can help.  Click on contact and send us a message.

Performance Metrics

Do you want to have a better way of monitoring performance in the key sectors of your business?  You can consider those financial, operations and human performance metrics that are vital to the business. We will work with you to put those measures in place that are linked to your overall business strategy.

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“I came to Delroy for business planning & writing up my business plan & I couldn’t be more lucky to run into someone who was willing to listen to my needs/wants & Deliver exactly what I asked for… upon presenting my business plan I got great feedback from Investors & grant organizations “, Jade Reed, Le’Meilleurs School of Beauty

“I had the great opportunity to attend a presentation held by Delroy about financial management and business planning. As a new business owner his mentorship was exactly what I needed. Delroy’s presentation skills were clear, and his content was packed full of sage information. I’m so thankful for Delroy’s guidance and support as I embark on my first pitch competition. I highly recommend Delroy and appreciate his continued support.”  – Alexandria Rosa, – Business Owner

“Delroy Morgan has been an excellent mentor who has been instrumental in my development throughout my professional career. He encourages individuals to focus on personal development and leadership, and motivates mentees through knowledge sharing and setting the example. He is acknowledged in my Doctor of Business Administration program dissertation for his sincerity, sharing of knowledge, focus on education, and for always having my best interest at heart. I look forward to sowing seeds in others as he has sown seeds in my life.”  – Dr. Mark Headley

“Professor Morgan is the right person to help you with all your business finance needs.
As a small professional development and training business, I relied on Professor Morgan to provide me and many of my business partners with specialized training that would aid is in our contract work. If you are looking for an honest, competent and effective person to assist you with your business finance needs, Professor Morgan is the one. ” – Dorthea King-Simpson, Business Owner

“Delroy was an excellent manager who supported his staff and cared about his customers. He was always looking for ways to improve our work and to streamline and improve efficiency.” Jacqueline M. Bell CPA, & Business Owner 

Consultation Appointment

If  you would like to reserve a consultation appointment, please
complete the consultation form.

Provide us two dates and time that would be convenient for you. We will then respond to you with a best time to match your request.

Book your requested appointment here


The following are frequently asked questions.

 Yes, we can help all size businesses. We work with the owner or other designated individual in your organization to understand your business and work with you through video conferencing to develop your business plan. You can use the contact page to let us know your interest. We will then set up a call to discuss.

New business owners, managers or supervisors  who have taken on new responsibilities and want to understand the key elements of business  strategy, planning and finance. 

We can help you with matrics from the Corporate level down to the frontline employees in your organization. Our metrics are related to customers, employees, shareholders and other business desired stakeholders. 

We aim to have two to three major webinars per year. As we work with clients and see that a particular topic is needed, we arrange for additional sessions.

We work with businesses of all sizes. If your are just starting and would like some guidance including  business, marketing and financial plans, organization structure, and training, let us know.